Sunday, December 29, 2013

Palette Knife Abstract

Summer Splay
Acrylic on 48" x 48" x 1.5" wrap canvas

My pick for the day is "Summer Splay" which was a  2013 commissioned work to be painted similar to the original posted: HERE.  "Indian Summer" (2009) would later become the inspiration for my first commission to a couple here in Springfield, Mo., titled "Better Two", then Little Summer , New Dawn and  lastly Summer Splay.

Unique to these paintings is that they were painted entirely with a palette knife.  I am encouraged in reading the original post from Indian Summer back in 2009.  This had not been a good day for me.  The previous year 2008 I had resigned a well paying job as a high school art teacher to begin my own business. My paintings had not begun selling and I was frightened.  So, I had picked up a part-time job as a florist in a local grocery store to at least supplement our income in paying for my health insurance.  My creativity in floral arrangement had not been appreciated as I was criticized for using too much white with color..can't do that.  Frustrated, I came home and painted "Indian Summer" slashing whites into it with a palette knife. My stubborn streak was saying I'll show you that it can work. I did leave that job after a few weeks and shortly after, that painting became the color palette for the commissioned painting Better Two. God provides.

  I have learned over the years that painting is a lot like having a "real" job….you've got to show up and clock in each day.  You can't just sit around and wait for that "magical feeling" to begin.  No matter how your feeling or whatever else is going on in your life you've got to go to work.  Often times, this can be the hardest part. But hey, don't be too hard on yourself either, there are also sick days and vacations!

I've been experimenting with some new techniques and have several new paintings that I will be posting soon….
for 2014!

Please visit my web gallery: HERE 

Elizabeth Chapman
Contemporary Abstract Artist

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