Tuesday, August 13, 2013

mostly, some, a bit.....

Acrylic on 24" x 30" x 3/4" wrap canvas


By clicking on this instagram link you will be able to see the beginnings of this painting.  Changed a lot! ....and that's ok, just gotta start somewhere and this will lead to more ideas.  I was getting a feel for my colors as the first layers were applied.  Next, I decided to use modeling paste and my texture palette knifes and play with some different surface tensions.  Usually if I apply modeling paste it will be the first layer.  but hey, change it up a bit! right.  Once all this was dry I went in using the flat side of my brushes to the canvas and work with applying layer upon layer of color.  Staying for the most part with the original choices.  Lastly, working with the mostly, some and a bit formula and choosing to work with a hot spot, I lightly feathered in the pinks.

Wondering what the mostly, some and a bit is?  
I love this formula because it is so simple and can be applied to any of the elements of art and it's effective in creating an interesting and strong composition. Color, Value, Texture, Space, Line and Shapes.  Let's take and use color as an example.  It might go something like this, mostly blue, some orange and a bit of red.  Value: mostly black, some white and a bit of gray. Ok..you try a few.

So what about a hot spot?
This is the area in the painting that the eye is drawn to. The focal point, main character, hot spot are just a few of the names I've heard used. Another really simple formula that has stuck with me, is to divide the canvas equally into thirds horizontally and then vertically.  The four areas where these line intersect are places for strong focal points.  You can use just one all four, but would suggest that one stands out the most.  Notice this is where I used the bit of pink in this painting.

With that all said....rules in art are made to be broken!  Great paintings have been and can be created without these.  I don't like to get hung up with the rules while painting, but I will fall back on them when I am needing to resolve a painting. Next time you see a painting that you really like, see if and how either or these formula can be applied.

For any further information regarding my abstracts painting contact me:

Elizabeth Chapman
Contemporary Abstract Paintings

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