Sunday, July 31, 2016

snuggle party.

Acrylic on 30" x 40" canvas


For more information and purchasing availability contact me:

Initial inspirations can come from some of the most unusual places.  Our grand daughter had laid out nearly every pillow in the house on the living room floor to have a snuggle party.  It looked pretty cool with all the various sizes, colors and shapes. Instantly, I saw a painting! Those were the beginning marks and color that were placed on the canvas. Layer by layer the changes took place.

Elizabeth Chapman
Modern Abstract Artist


Carol Flatt said...

What a marvelous idea for inspiration! There are probably hundreds of sights that could motivate a painting if we could just LOOK! Nice that something in you registered the "potential" of the scene your granddaughter created!

Elizabeth Chapman said...

Thank you for your comments! Always love reading them!