Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Color Maze" Contemporary Modern Art Painting by Elizabeth Chapman

Color Maze

Contemporary Modern Art
Acrylic on 24" x 48" (1.5) canvas

Maze: a confusing, intricate network of winding pathways: labyrinth.

Worked on this one ALL DAY yesterday with many changes occurring throughout the day.  I began at 6:00 in the morning, took a lunch break with my parents and then back to work until supper and then .... needless to say I so obsessed over it yesterday that I woke up early this morning thinking about more changes.  Many of these were recorded as I would photograph the painting and then seeing the image on the screen would help me to see more.  .... and so this went on:)

And so how do you know when a painting is done?  This is a good question and I believe it is different for every artist.   I have discovered that for me it is when I am standing there with brush in hand and can not find another stroke to make.  As far as time wise, this can happen within a very short amount of time or can take for who knows how long.  I got to that point of knowing late last night, but I also know that coming back in the next day with a fresh perspective is what gives me the confidence in knowing it's done.

 Early this morning.... I awoke thinking about yet another change... went in, turned the studio lights on... had a fresh perspective.... and yes!... it's done!!

To see more colorful abstracts visit my Web Gallery 

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