This is the second painting from this photo that I've done. The first one was a success and I sold it on E-bay, so I painted another one of it recently to add to the body of work that will be in an art show. I love the way one bloom is open and facing the viewer, the other one has it's back facing the viewer and then there's the bud.
Well, it's the new year and with it go all those new year resolutions. This year I don't find myself making new year resolutions, but instead I'm reflecting on the past year. Perhaps it's because I made such a drastic decision in leaving my job in order to pursue creating art everyday. After ten years as working as an art teacher there are a lot of things and people that I miss. There are many of days when I'm looking backwards and thinking and wondering if I made the right decision. Right or wrong, though, it's done and so all I can do is look forward, which is where I'm at most of the time.
There is so much I have learned since June. Oh ya, I really didn't get a summer vacation, because I went to work right away. I knew that I had it. There's the technology of it all. I had to learn so much about taking photographs, posting and listing on line, an e-mail address, pay pal, etc., At the same time I started in on painting. I really didn't know what I was doing, which direction to take, there was so much I didn't know, but I knew I just had to start. So, I started.
As I look back on those first works from last June and compare them to where I am today, I see soooooooooo much improvement. Still though, I see so much more that I would like accomplish and improve. So much to learn. But the important thing is that I love, love what I am doing. I enjoyed and learned to be a good teacher, but deep down I knew that I really would never be an excellent teacher. I am an artist. Can I make a living at it? That is the big question, the one that keeps me working!
So, like the blooms- a part of me is looking back, a part is open and looking forward, and there's the bud just beginning a new journey!
Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Beautiful! Both your words AND your painting.
I'm a bit slow catching up on Elsie's blog, but I just saw her entry that said her mom started a blog... so here I am! I recall her saying in a few entries that her mom really inspired her as a painter and artist, so how can I help but want to follow your blog too? :") So here I am, and smitten with your works already! Thanks for sharing!
(tina @
Hey Tina,
So good to hear from you. I have heard her say that before, but actually it is Elsie that has inspired me!! Thank you for your kind words.
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