These are demos from the July "Quick Blooms & Mixed Bouquet" class that I taught at Splatter Art Studio in Springfield, Mo. The bottom was begun with a gesturally drawing from a floral still life and then painted in the same manner. The top was begun as a group collaboration with each student adding a shapes, colors, lines, etc., to each others canvases. (see next pic) Then they were to use their imaginations to find and make the florals out of what was given to them. Mixed Bouquet. The object was to paint quickly and not have time to overthink it. Two paintings in four hours! Phew.
The start for the "Mixed Bouquet" demo.
End of the day creations!
I have taught at Splatter Art Studio once a month for the last year and have had a different theme each time. The month of July it was floral abstracts. Teaching really helps me to think through my processes and have more of an understanding of why I do what I do. I don't teach any particular technique. I'm more into sharing my own thought processes in the hope that it will help others to tap into their own creative mode. This month I painted a lot of floral abstracts which can be seen on my website:
elizabethchapmanartwork. It may have had something to do with my thinking about this class! 😉