Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Piquant Contemporary Abstract Painting by Elizabeth Chapman

Acrylic on 8" x 8" canvas


This little abstract is from a way back, but it recently had the honors of being included in a book written by Carol Marine entitled "Daily Painting".  I have always admired Carol's paintings for the realism they portray. At the same time their is a looseness that keeps my eye interested and moving through the shapes of color. You can check out her paintings on her blog: HERE.   You'll find her book "Daily Painting" there to purchase too.

If your new to painting, this book will help you to understand the necessity of daily painting.  I love the way she has taken and simplified an understanding of composition and working with a limited palette.  If your just beginning and can't afford to go out an buy a full range of colors. Don't need to. All the colors are mixed from red, yellow, blue and white added for tints. Black can be used to darken a color, but it really gives the darks more vibrancy if you mix your own.  Basically, with just a few colors and small canvases you can begin. Tips on how to photograph your paintings and begin selling on line are included as well.  All kinds of professional advice simplified in an easy read. A must!

My Web Gallery can be viewed: HERE

Have a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

Elizabeth Chapman
Contemporary Abstract Artist

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