Well since I've had so many of Elsie's followers find my blog, I thought it might be fun to post this picture today. I took this picture last fall at Cider Days. We are such a pug loving family. The pug is Love Love and that is Emma's dog. My husband and I are pretty sad because Emma has decided to take him back with her to L.A., We've been keeping him for her while she's been establishing herself in L.A. Best dog ever!!
I spent most of the day cleaning house. I love to clean. Not really, just kidding, but with having all the family around this week, well you know how it is. Emma is on her way back today and will be here tomorrow afternoon. We are all so very excited to see her. So today, I spent alot of time thinking about family, and how special they are to me. May each one of you have a very special family time and a Merry Christmas!!
I hate to admit this, but I called Elsie to find out how to answer my comments. I am not very technology minded. Ya, it's a part the generation I'm from. I am proud to say though, that I have learned so much over the last few months. So anyway, I did go back and answer comments, and may have gotten a little comment crazy with my new found knowledge. Thanks for the comments! I've enjoyed it!
MERRY CHRISTMAS Elizabeth and to your family. Happy happies. Joyce
What a cute photo. I too love Pugs. We have Yorkies but I've always loved Pugs. I would love to have one someday, too many animals right now. :D
I love your blog.
Just peeking in...Beautiful artwork! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
Aww :) I followed over from Elsie's link too, welcome to blog land! ;)
I would love to meet you the next time I'm up visiting Elsie, she has always talked about how you are her inspiration! :)
You guys have something beautiful and special. :)
Next time in your town, be sure Elsie let's me know!
I'll do that! :)
I definitely want to come for the grand opening of her store. :)
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