It amazes me how much faster and the improvement that is occurring simply from painting everyday. I slept in this morning. (It's hard to get out from underneath the flannel sheet on these cold winter mornings.) Then we went to the grocery store, I had to go to the veterinarians and then take our foster daughter, Rachel to work. I really didn't think I would get much done, painting wise. But, check it out- I squeezed this one in and I love it! I am really into thinking about the design, which basically means how a space is filled in order to create the biggest impact.
I took this close-up photo of a purple iris last fall. I was attracted to the way the shapes filled the space in the photo, as well as the dramatic contrast between lights and darks. This one will go on e-bay before to long. For now it gets pinned up on the wall, along with a few others I will have to let go of before to long. I absolutely love when I hear from someone who says they are really enjoying a work. That is a blessing!
such a lovely painting! love the colors.
HOUNDS TOOTH fabric behind this one(the black and white jagged-y one).This is yummy. Happy happies. Joyce
Irises are my FAVORITE flower!
Love this painting!
Welcome to blogging!
Hey thank you all for the encouraging words!
Wow they are all beautiful but I love this one the best, the Irise flower are my fav thanx for sharing your work :)
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